MolSurfer is a graphical tool that links a 2D projection of a macromolecular interface to a 3D view of the macromolecular structures. more ...

MolSurfer can be used to study protein-protein and protein-DNA/RNA interfaces. The 2D projections of the computed interface aid visualization of complicated interfacial geometries in 3D. Molecular properties, including hydrophobicity and electrostatic potential, can be projected onto the interface. MolSurfer can thereby aid exploration of molecular complementarity, identification of binding "hot spots" and prediction of the effects of mutations. MolSurfer can also facilitate the location of cavities at macromolecular interfaces.

Please supply the coordinates of macromolecules (I and II):

The coordinates of macromolecules (I and II) are in PDB file(s)

Please specify the PDB ID and the chain IDs:

In case you want to access the old implementation of molsurfer for download or for reference please visit